1 | 接下来就是一段真空期,因为同等重要却稍逊风骚的其他作品被耽搁了。 | And then, of course, a vacuum, because the important but less glamorous work didn’t get done . | |
2 | 她在一周内所做的工作是很多毕业生在10周内才能完成的。 | She gets more done in a week than most of my graduate students get done in 10 weeks. | |
3 | 可能晚一点我打算休息的时候做,或者午休时间,我想要放松的时候做好。 | It might get done late at night when I’d rather be sleeping or it may get done during naptime when I’d rather be vegging. | |
4 | 零bug意味着一切都按‘伟大’产品的标准来完成。 | Zero bugs means that all the things that should get done for a ’great’ product do get done. | |
5 | 哪个雇员又会指出其上司的错误,进而提出改进的方案呢? | What employee would ever say that the boss is wrong, and offer an idea on how something might get done better? | |
6 | 哪些列在计划单上的项目是我们可以完成的? | Which items on our to-do list can we get done today? | |
7 | 能承担那些嫌麻烦而畏惧的工作,并能耐心地将其完成。 | I can take difficult jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done . | |
8 | 你的MIT不用很多或者惊天动地。但是它们一定是你非常想做完的。 | Your MITs don’t have to be huge or earth shattering but they should be things you really want to get done . | |
9 | 你会惊讶你完成了多少难办的事情,只是在一段主动断网的时间里。 | You’ll be surprised how much stuff you can get done with a bit of volunteer offline time. | |
10 | 你将如我一般,发觉你对生产率的感受与你完成了多少实质性工作密切相关。 | You’ll probably find as I do that your gut feelings about your productivity are closely related to how much real work you actually get done . | |
11 | 你希望自己还认为可以做点什么,改变一下。 | Andyou want to think there’s something you can get done . | |
12 | 奇怪的是同样的事在办公室里就会被完成的很好,人们就可以处理好自己的怨气。 | A similarly mundane task at the office would just get done ; any annoyance would be kept close to the chest. | |
13 | 浅谈如何做好施工图质量检查 | Elementary Introduction to Get Done with Quality Inspection of Detail Drawing Well | |
14 | 如果你没有足够的钱,发现免费的方式去玩得开心或做你需要去做的事情。 | If you don’t have the money, find free ways to have fun or get things done you need to get done . | |
15 | 如果你在今天必须做完的事的压力下开始你的一天,更多的活力流走了。 | If you start out you day at work stressing about everything you need to get done , some more of that energy leaves. | |
16 | 如果你专心去做,就会惊异地发现自己能够完成多大的工作量。 | You’d be surprised at how much you can manage to get done if you just concentrate. | |
17 | 如果任何事情都需要得到他的批准才能进行的下去,那么这个管理者通常会成为整个环节的瓶颈。 | Often a manager becomes a bottleneck, requiring his approval before anything can get done . | |
18 | 如果是快速的完成那些对你而言不是很重要的工作对你来说也没有什么用。 | Just getting things done faster isn’t that useful if the things you get done are unimportant to you. | |
19 | 设定要完成文档的最终期限;否则,文档可能无法完成。 | Set deadlines for documentation to be completed; otherwise, it may not get done . | |
20 | 事情都能办成,没有混日子的。 | Things just get done , there is no screwing around. | |
21 | 他们可能感觉无所适从,只能不断地唠叨敦促另一方把事情办好。 | They may feel they have no choice but to constantly nag to make sure things get done . | |
22 | 他们有太多的事情要去完成。太多的需求,太多的责任,太多的账单和太多的紧急事务。 | There are just too many things to get done , too many demands, too many responsibilities, too many bills, and too much urgency. | |
23 | 通过执行这九个简单的步骤,你会立即发现你能完成的工作量变了。 | By implementing these simple 9 steps, you’ll notice an immediate change in how much you can get done . | |
24 | 我不想离开一个会议时不知道我需要去做什么为谁解决问题截止日期是什么时候。 | I now never leave a meeting without my own list of what I need to get done , for whom, and by when. | |
25 | 我常规清理大多时候都能完成任务,不过这周我是唯一一个注意未完成任务的人。 | My regular housekeeping routine is done most of the time, and I am going to be the only one who notices what didn’t get done this week. | |
26 | 我适应不了这炎热的天气,很快就感到疲倦了。 | This hot weather does not suit me, I get done so quickly. | |
27 | 我知道,由于敌对的共和党人控制了众议院,在具体政策方面,奥巴马能够做的事情并不多。 | I realize that with hostile Republicans controlling the House, there’s not much Mr. Obama can get done in the way of concrete policy. | |
28 | 我知道你有很多事要忙,但这事儿一天内就可搞定,我就不会来烦你了。 | I know you have a lot on your plate but this can get done and out of your hair in one day | |
29 | 现代的组织是十分复杂的实体,其中在不设置为项目的情况下就可以常规地完成事情。 | A modern organization is a fairly complex entity where things routinely get done without being set up as projects. | |
30 | 想想看,这个世界上有哦多少的事情没有做成仅仅只是因为人们在等待完美的时机,地点和环境氛围。 | Think of how many things don’t get done in this world simply because people are waiting for the perfect time, place and circumstance. |